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"Sunčica Elezović-Hadžić"
Scaling exponent of compact polymer conformations in non homogeneous media (2016)
D. Lekić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, N. Adžić, Scaling exponent of compact polymer conformations in non homogeneous media, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, Vol. 1, No. VII, pp. 32 - 36, 2016 -
Semi-flexible compact polymers in a disordered environment (2016)
D. Lekić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, N. Adžić, Semi-flexible compact polymers in a disordered environment, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, Vol. 2, No. VII, pp. 166 - 172, 2016 -
Force-induced desorption of semi-flexible polymers in non-homogeneous media (2018)
S. Elezović-Hadžić, I. Živić, D. Lekić, Force-induced desorption of semi-flexible polymers in non-homogeneous media, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, Vol. 1, No. IX, pp. 87 - 95, 2018 -
Enumeration of dimer configurations on a fractal lattice (2018)
D. Marčetić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, I. Živić, Enumeration of dimer configurations on a fractal lattice, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, Vol. 2, No. IX, pp. 115 - 121, 2018 -
Monte Carlo simulations of a polymer chain model on Euclidean lattices (2019)
I. Živić, D. Marčetić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, Monte Carlo simulations of a polymer chain model on Euclidean lattices, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, Vol. 2, No. X, pp. 167 - 174, 2019 -
Semi-flexible compact polymers in two dimensional nonhomogeneous confinement (2019-02)
D. Marčetić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, N. Adžić, I. Živić, Semi-flexible compact polymers in two dimensional nonhomogeneous confinement, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A: MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 125001(1) - 125001(23), Feb, 2019 -
Statistics of close-packed dimers on fractal lattices (2020-02)
D. Marčetić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, I. Živić, Statistics of close-packed dimers on fractal lattices, PHYSICA A, Vol. 554, pp. 124275(1) - 124275(11), Feb, 2020 -
Critical properties of semi-flexible polymer chains situated within the simple cubic lattice (2020-06)
I. Živić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, D.Marčetić, S. Milošević, Critical properties of semi-flexible polymer chains situated within the simple cubic lattice, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, Vol. 2020, pp. 063208(1) - 063208(17), Jun, 2020 -
Nonuniversal properties of self-interacting polymer in non-homogeneous environment modeled by 3-simplex fractal lattice (2021)
D. Marčetić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, I. Živić, Nonuniversal properties of self-interacting polymer in non-homogeneous environment modeled by 3-simplex fractal lattice, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, Vol. 1, No. XII, pp. 50 - 56, 2021 -
Persistence length of semi-flexible polymer chains on Euclidean lattices (2022)
I. Živić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, D. Marčetić, Persistence length of semi-flexible polymer chains on Euclidean lattices, PHYSICA A, Vol. 607, pp. 128222(1) - 128222(10), 2022 -
Hamiltonian walks on modified 3d Sierpinski gasket fractals (2008)
D. Marčetić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, Hamiltonian walks on modified 3d Sierpinski gasket fractals, Book of abstracts, The first physics congress of Bosnia nad Herzegovina, 2008 -
Semi-flexible Hamiltonian Walks on 3- and 4-simplex Fractal Lattices (2011)
D. Lekić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, Semi-flexible Hamiltonian Walks on 3- and 4-simplex Fractal Lattices, Book of Abstracts, XVIII Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics-SFKM 2011, Belgrade,Serbia, 2011 -
Effects of the boundaries on the scaling form of Hamiltonian walks on fractal lattices (2021-03)
D. Marčetić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, I. Živić, Effects of the boundaries on the scaling form of Hamiltonian walks on fractal lattices, Journal of Physics:Conference Series, Mar, 2021 -
Scaling of Hamiltonian walks on fractal lattices (2007-07)
S. Elezović-Hadžić, D. Marčetić, S. Maletić, Scaling of Hamiltonian walks on fractal lattices, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, pp. 011107(1) - 011107(17), Jul, 2007 -
A model of compact polymers on a family of three-dimensional fractal lattices (2010-02)
D. Lekić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, A model of compact polymers on a family of three-dimensional fractal lattices, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, pp. P02021(1) - P02021(27), Feb, 2010 -
Semi-flexible compact polymers on fractal lattices (2011-06)
D. Lekić, S. Elezović-Hadžić, Semi-flexible compact polymers on fractal lattices, PHYSICA A, Vol. 390, No. 11, pp. 1941 - 1952, Jun, 2011 -
Compact polymers on fractal lattices (2007)
S. Elezović-Hadžić, D.Marčetić, S. Maletić, Compact polymers on fractal lattices, 2007 -
Scaling of Compact Polymers on Modified 3D Sierpinski Fractals (2007)
Д.Марчетић, С. Елезовић-Хаџић, Scaling of Compact Polymers on Modified 3D Sierpinski Fractals, 2007 -
Хамилтонове шетње на фракталним решеткама:Приказ (2017)
Д. Лекић, С. Елезовић-Хаџић, Хамилтонове шетње на фракталним решеткама:Приказ, Зборник радова поводом обиљежавања 20 година рада Природно-математичког факултета Универзитета у Бањој Луци, ПМФ, pp. 379 - 385, 2017